What Lies Underneath the Cosmetic Dentistry Umbrella

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifesmiles @ 8:54 pm
A woman smiling from under an umbrella

Dental treatments such as restorations, preventative care, and orthodontics are essential and can be incredibly life-changing, but let’s admit it. Sometimes they still feel like obligatory adult chores. There is, however, one umbrella in dentistry that has a bit more pizzaz: cosmetic dentistry. These aesthetic services help you enhance your smile. It’s much more like getting a makeover!

Sound appealing? Great! Let’s get your feet wet by introducing some popular options.

Make a Splash with SureSmile

Have you ever wondered what you would look like with straighter teeth? A lot of people do, but the thought of enduring traditional braces for a year or more can be daunting. If that’s you, consider a clear alignment treatment instead! SureSmile comes in transparent, low-profile trays that fit like a slim retainer. They’re a much less invasive way to straighten crooked teeth, and no one will even know you’re wearing them!

Apply Dental Veneers to Smooth Over Dental Imperfections

You know how women apply layers of foundation to conceal inconsistent coloration in their skin? It’s not that they alter the pigmentation in their complexion so much as they use a topcoat to achieve a more blended look.

Dental veneers can be used kind of like that! Your dentist will custom-craft a set of thin shells to be adhered to the front portion of blemished teeth. This will effectively conceal discoloration and minor damage from view, making your overall smile look bright, pearly, and uniform.

Metal-Free Restorations Can Help Coordinate Your Look

In instances of more major damage resulting from injury or dental decay, your dentist can achieve a similar effect by applying a dental filling or crown. You might be familiar with the silver and gold amalgamations of the past. Nowadays you can opt for tooth-colored materials such as composite resin or porcelain, making these dental restorations effective aesthetic solutions!

Fill In the Gaps with Dental Implants

Gaps in your smile can feel awkward – physically and mentally. Many people are self-conscious about their missing teeth. There are certainly plenty of ways to close the gaps, but perhaps the most stunning way is through dental implants. Each porcelain tooth is anchored to your jaw with a titanium post, providing both incredible security and a natural vibe. Over time, you might even forget that your tooth is fake!

Cosmetic dentistry offers a glamorous array of dental aesthetic options for beautifying your teeth. Instead of feeling like something you have to do for your oral health, they can seem more like a gift that you’re spoiling yourself with. If the spa-treatment is something you desire, give your dentist a call! You’ll have to bring your own cucumber slices, but they’ll make sure you look and feel fabulous after your treatment.

About the Author

Dr. Heng Lim loves meeting new patients and finds helping people achieve their smile goals extremely rewarding. Not only will his warm and friendly nature make you feel like a superstar when you visit, but you can also be confident in the quality of your treatment. Dr. Lim has advanced training in dental implants and cosmetic dentistry and is always on the lookout for emerging technology and new information in the field. If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry, call his office at 918-274-3779 or explore his website for more information.

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